Uplift All Foundation helps to improve the health conditions of the homeless in a multitude of ways.
SJ General Hospital
We are partnered with San Joaquin General Hospital to offer medical clinic to the homeless population at our mobile laundry site. The team consists of Doctors, Nurses, Medical Students, and a Social Worker.
Mitigation of Waste
Those who have limited access to laundry services have no other option than to discard soiled clothing on the streets. In fact, for every load of laundry not washed, 10-15 pounds of soiled, infection-carrying clothes are discarded on our streets as trash.
Hygiene Essentials
We provide the homeless with toiletries and dental oral care that are essential for individuals to maintain proper hygiene.
Proveri Pharmacy
We are partnered with Proveri Pharmacy to provide medications to the homeless.
Public Health
While users wait for their clothing, Uplift All Foundation coordinates health care services bridging clinical health to a hard-to-reach population. We have partnered with San Joaquin County Public Health to coordinate Covid-19 testing and vaccinations, as well as flu shots.
Infection Control
Our most well-known service is our mobile laundry van, Loads of Hope. The hygienic benefits of clean clothes were especially amplified during the pandemic when disinfection was and is critical to mitigate the spread of diseases. Dirty clothes are documented vectors for diseases. Uplift All Foundation’s Loads of Hope has championed the mission to limit communicable infections like influenza, chicken pox, meningitis, E. coli, salmonella, staphylococcus, infections transmitted by body lice and now Covid-19.
Mobile Pharmacy
The homeless do not have means of getting to a pharmacy. Uplift All Foundation takes the medications to them at our mobile laundry sites.